
Sunday 1 September 2024



Y chromosomes are shrinking.

Men may go extinct in the future

A recent study shows that y chromosomes, which determine the gender of a baby, are shrinking in humans.

What does the recent scientific buzz say?

How will the world be without men?

Study reveals that, if this rate of genetic modification continues, men can go extinct within approximately 11 million years.

That means, only female babies will be born.

But will this situation come?

The same situation arose in spiny rats, where y chromosomes had vanished to a greater extent.

Can you imagine what happened next?

Instead of y chromosomes becoming extinct, it developed a new mechanism to determine the maleness in the chromosome.

Humans may follow a similar path, where some other genetic material will be modified to produce male babies and help males not to go extinct from the earth.

However, a time may come in the future when female babies are born more than males.

What could it potentially mean to the economy and the society?

It matters.

A similar bottleneck was experienced in the Neolithic age about 4 to 8k years ago by human society.

There was a linkage between the neolithic y chromosome bottleneck and economic development.

Seriously, yes.

When the hunter-gatherer society transitioned to agriculture, human settlement began.

From there, land expansion and wealth accumulation started.

People used to pass on their wealth to their successors ie. their sons, and daughters.

Too many resources are in too few hands, who have more authority in the society.

Men are physically stronger than women. So, men had chances to pick mates. Single men married more women. They fathered more kids.

So, the dominant clans have passed their genetic pool to the next generation, while weaker clans who have access to no or fewer resources didn't marry or fathered fewer kids.

That means, the less powerful or powerless community has less chance of passing their genes to the future.

When this happened over centuries, the diversity in y chromosomes has reduced.

The wealth accumulation started favoring physically strong males. Gradually, the women became subordinate to men.

A patrilocal society, where women tend to live in the community of men after their marriage starts.

Grandfathers, fathers, sons, and uncles started living close to one another.

The property was made hereditary. This situation snatched women's autonomy.

The gender roles were defined by then.

So, economic development in the Neolithic age had a connection to their y-chromosome bottleneck and patriarchal patronage.

At present, we are experiencing y-chromosome shrinkage. Both are different, but a significant reduction in male genetic diversity is similar to the past.

But what happens, when the population of women increases over the years?

It may be good or bad. But it will redefine gender roles.

The war in Ukraine created a shortage of male workers in the country as males are engaged in warfare.

This paved the way for women to fill in the vacancies, which was previously a men-only job that required physical strength.

Though the ratio of women to men (100:97) is high in Ukraine, external phenomena like the war changed the societal imposition of patriarchy.

So, having more women in the workspace may change the societal view and how they are being treated.

Just as wealth concentration in the Neolithic age shaped the gender roles and limited opportunities for others, more women in the society can change the economic opportunities, power dynamics, etc.


Thursday 9 November 2023


 Hello, everyone!

    It's been three years since I last put words on a page, with my digital devices mostly serving for video-watching and scrolling through various content. Amid the abundance of videos and shorts on relationships, self-care, motivation, and life lessons, I've observed a concerning trend.

    These videos, often embellished with attractive voiceovers and AI illustrations, are reshaping our perspectives. People of all genders and ages have fallen prey to the allure of these neatly packaged life advice sessions, altering how we think.

    For instance, a recent video on relationship goals seemed so unrealistic that normal couples couldn't relate. Another one, offering tips on making money online, appeared deceptively easy, leading viewers to trust the advice more than those around them.

    I've faced my own struggles, including betraying someone close, dealing with the aftermath, and navigating through the stress of online threats. Yet, life moves forward.

    During this challenging period, I found myself immersed in a virtual world, consuming content that played with my emotions. There were moments when I contemplated extreme actions, only to step back and reassess my priorities.

    I gradually distanced myself from the overwhelming barrage of content, refocusing on unfinished tasks. However, I know someone who remains deeply influenced, their thinking reshaped by these digital narratives.

    Today, there's a pervasive ailment affecting anyone with a smartphone—AI-enabled videos and shorts, with compelling voiceovers, that can manipulate one's beliefs and behaviors. Everyone must pause, reflect on these contents, and safeguard their minds. 

Let's break free from this digital brainwashing!

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Be a Masked Hero!

“Have to learn to live with Covid-19” Govt. of India.
“Coronavirus new reality, we will have to learn to live with it” – WHO

           These are the disheartening statements from national and world’s top authority. A frightening truth. A virus that started in Wuhan China around the beginning of 2020 has seized the world- the whole world order. The nations around the world are fighting their own battles for the safety of their citizens. The scientists, researchers, scholars are on their toes to find a lethal weapon for this newfound enemy of the world. To date, as I write this, there are no vaccines and no cure for this virus – SARS- CoV-2. The world has already crossed 3, 50,000 deaths. Every one of us is a genuine concern about our loved ones and our health at this moment.

 The only confirm information about the virus is that it is spread by :
1.       Respiratory droplets.
2.        By contacts.
Therefore, the countries around the world have had lockdown their cities, airways, railways, roadways, and citizens locked up in their houses so that governments could be better equipped to combat the infected and lessen the spread of the diseases. Success or failure of this strategy would come only soon when we have won the battle.

Studies have also given very important information about the virus.
1.       The maximum transmission distance of the virus aerosol- is about 4 meters.
 (Virus Aerosol – particles generated in the air during breathing, talking, coughing, and sneezing)
2.       Even after speaking saliva particles remain floating in the air for 8 minutes (According to study conducted National Institute of health)
3.       The Virus remains on the surface for 7 days longest in plastics and stainless steel surfaces (Study by Lancet)
4.        Outer and inner layers of masks can contain viruses up to 7 days. Higher contamination rates over the inner layer of the face mask.

      By now at large we know that mask has become a priority. It is the only weapon against an invisible enemy that can be maintained by every one of us diligently and can be accessed or at least DIY a mask. Much has been talked about the virus, let us put our minds on the mask- the weapon since there is very insufficient information on the role of mask play in the containment of the virus. Let us see the mask use, mask etiquette, and mask maintenance in pointers. This could go a long way to combat this virus with the participation of the individual.

Very important mask use, mask etiquette, and mask maintenance are below:

1.       Don’t just wear a mask chose a good one.
2.       Ensure your masks cover your mouth, nose as much as possible
3.       Avoid touching your masks once you have worn them.
4.       While removing your mask, do not touch the front of it.
5.       Mask must be untied from behind.
6.    Before and after use, clean your hand with alcohol-based sanitizer or wash with water and soap.
7.       If the mask becomes damp/moist, change it immediately.
8.       Avoid reuse of the surgical masks – it has an extreme drop in efficacy after a single-use.
9.    Cloth masks can be washed and reused.
10.   Soak it for 15 minutes and rinsed in Lukewarm water.
11.   Don’t reuse cloth mask after 20 washes as it reduces its filtration capacity over time.

Above is the least a responsible citizen could do and we should be doing this to help our government in these battles against the virus as well as to keep safe our loved ones around us. If every individual does their part, this battle can be won. Follow the above, wear a mask, and be a Masked Hero!

Wear Masks! Stay Indoor! Stay Safe!

Saturday 1 February 2020

Is Shutting Down The Defunct Schools, A Solution?

(Ngaleko Residential School.PK District. Classrooms constructed by the Public, Officers and the Senior Students.
 School adopted by Er. Hano Techi)
              Replying to a question the Education Minister of Arunachal Pradesh in the assembly session stated that 311 Government Schools would be closed down and the govt. had constituted a committee on how to utilize the assets and the infrastructure left behind. As per the educational Minister  311 Schools are defunct due to ‘zero enrollments’ and those would be closed down to focus on strengthening the functional schools.
             The ‘Zero Enrollment’ reason had been lingering in mind for long with a basic question. Basically Is the Education minister trying to say that there are no children of the age 6-14 yrs in the places of that govt. declared ‘defunct’ 311 schools?  Has the rural population in Arunachal Pradesh stopped giving birth? Definitely NO! Rather the population of the state is ballooning year after year though sparsely distributed.

Hence the Minister in the assembly gives some of the main reasons behind the closure. They are:-  
a.      Most of the schools are located in remote areas
b.      Lack of infrastructure facilities in the remote areas
c.       Lack of students due to the migration of parents towards the headquarters

           What surprises more here? He puts out the reason as if it is the fault of those children of those ‘defunct’ 311 Schools. Not surprisingly, there were no questions from the Opposition, or Activists, Vocal Student Unions or the intellectuals. Which meant people of Arunachal Pradesh agrees that the above reasons are valid or they have no idea of this development.

Let me present to you a case.

           There was/is a Middle School at Veo Village, Pappu Valley just 30 Mins. drive from Seppa the headquarter of East Kameng Dist. and roughly 2-3 hours drive from Itanagar or the Capital Complex thanks to the Trans-Arunachal Highway. This is the same school that produced stalwarts like the Former Education Minister Lt. Dera Natung and now Hon’ble Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Mama Natung. There are some galaxies of engineers and officers of different pay grades too. But sadly today, if you visit to see the splendid Papu Valley, You will find the abandon buildings & hostel turned to cattle sheds. It is supposedly defunct now! if you ask the villagers, they will say,” There are no teachers” and Office Papers will say there is ‘zero enrollment’. The Veo village is in Pijerang Circle. However Circle Officer doesn’t reside how would he? There is no electricity, no network, no clean drinking water facilities basically no basic amenities in the village. The buildings were used last for the General Election only!
           Also, in no way, there are no children of age group 4-16 years. Neither migrated to headquarters nor the village is located in a remote area. They sustain with their ‘hand to mouth’ survival.  Rice from paddy, vegetables/meat from the garden & forests. Nothing to worry, they live purely organic and are all healthy otherwise. Except they are addicted to Pepsi, winter, summer. Monsoon or spring Pepsi is a must!
           This is the condition of a village just nearby a district headquarter Seppa and today Pijerang Circle comes under a new District of Pakke-Kessang. Rest, I leave it to your wisdom and imaginations and blame the children for being born in their remote villages.
Moreover, a few more questions that bother here are:
a.       Should Children born in the remotest area to be deprived of education?
b.       Lack of infrastructure is govt.’s failure why should remote area children bear the wrath.
c.        Just because few migrated, the rest of the children won’t get their Right to Education?
          Right to Education is a fundamental right and the state must provide ‘free’ and ‘Compulsory’ education to all children of age group 6 to 14 without discrimination on the ground of a child’s economy. The reasons above given are discriminatory in nature. With a mammoth hierarchy set of bureaucracy from Secretary, directorate for Elementary Education, Higher Educations, RAMSA, RUSA, etc. to DDSE in Districts cannot look after 1771 Schools in a state (1300 Primary Schools, 300 Middle Schools, 103 High schools and 68 Higher Secondary Schools). What else does the government want its people to expect? Who had recently given tremendous support, All reasons given above by the education minister shows the weakness of a popularly elected govt. and no political will to revamp the schools.
          A great soul, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam said “The best brains of a nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom’ as such we may lose some best brains in those remote areas devoid of infrastructure facility and closure of schools.

           Therefore, It is also for the civil societies, migrated parents (urban settlers), educated people of the state to ponder and think upon the education scenario for those children at the remote villages. If possible adopt them, nurture them and provide them the best gift of life i.e Education.

         And would put up a question and urge the intellectuals, scholars, think-tanks and the policymakers to ponder upon.  Is shutting down defunct Schools, A solution? 

Wednesday 24 April 2019

BE ORIGINAL - Confused Arunachal

                 Today’s Arunachal Pradesh is so much confused, the language she speaks, the cuisine she eats, the wardrobes she wears, everything. Literally everything. Many of them called it as developing or progressing and many are divided into happy and not happy about it while others have no idea what is going on!

                Firstly we are so much bollywoodised; the Indian television has drastically changed us to good as well as bad. In the early ’90s, every parent wanted their children to ‘talk Hindi, walk Hindi’ and by mid-’90s another generation of parents wanted their Children to ‘talk English, walk English’. By the end 90’s or early 20’s the mid-generation caught up with koreanisation. The K-Pop Culture. These too with the pirated Korean films at the dumped old shops with music boxes and Hollywood films all pirated, they didn’t even spare Bollywood or say anything that is/was motion picture.
The process of learning through Bollywood is so cursive that you will find people trying to speak in the Punjabi accent, Delhite Hindi or even what they call Tapori, the street language of Mumbai resented by many but widely imitated by many as humorous and comical. People who have lived or studied in central India or mainland India flaunt with their mixed Hindi accent of UP, Bihari, Delhite, Punjabi etc. Whereas the larger population of the Arunachal Pradesh have caught up Hindi speaking through the Television. The Television with Bollywood has had so much inscribed into the veins of people here that today Arunachal People are best Hindi Speaker in North Eastern India.
Wait. Just a minute. Did I just mention ‘Best Hindi Speakers’? Nah! Ours is a Hindi without any grammars. We have grammatically deprived Hindi speakers. And some of us already boosts we should promote “Arunachali Hindi” we have rappers, singers as well as movies in so-called ‘Arunachali Hindi’. So here is a lame argument - ‘ There is no problem in doing so, the language should pass and must be understood by the common people as well state Arunachal Pradesh itself is so multi-diverse state, that you will find different dialect with different accent every 30mtrs you walk in the state’ as well creativity has no boundaries.

               Now the problem is - we are heading towards extinction. As plain as that; Leave the data provided by the UNESCO. We are witnessing it ourselves every day with every generation.  More than half of the young population is shamelessly trying to show off with their blatantly wrong Spoken Hindi and English through different mediums. Whereas the developed side of the world’s society through their organizations, NGOs, missionaries, even foreigner came, still comes to learn our Language, our dialect and they are working hard to protect and preserve it while we still bastion on the Hindi and English.

                 It’s high time  Arunachal Pradesh wakes up. Through observation, Television is the best platform to mend this pain point in keeping our local dialect intact. The Local Filmmakers, Local Artist including singers, rappers, writers must feel their responsibilities. Remember ‘originality always remains the best’. You got the best and greatest medium to promote local dialects through your films and songs. Universities need a more focussed group. Mere research just for the thesis may fetch you a degree but if it is not useful for the society then it has no value. Therefore Researchers needs to uphill in this field and bring out some revolutionary mechanism to preserve and promote the dying dialects. Don’t let us extinct.

                 Before we or our coming generation just read and study, about our dialects, our culture in gunged Museums or a textbook. We strap our boots. Make it our responsibility by speaking our own dialects at home, with friends and start teaching our younger ones. Let us start making videos, films, and write songs, on our dialects and keep alive our mother tongue spoken by our great grandparents and let not our dialect die.


Friday 1 February 2019

Arunachal Pradesh In Need Of Leaders Not Politicians.

                   The State assembly elections are just around the corner. There are numerous people organizing big launching events to declare their candidature for the Member of Legislative Assembly in the State. The laymen are confused and even the candidates themselves are confused. A glaring example is the majority of candidates declaring themselves are seemingly BJP candidates and interestingly the constituency’s sitting legislature is also BJP MLA. The Banners they put on consist of all rank and files of party bosses with their signature pose of holding hands at the center with a large front. Some of them went to an extend wearing saffron cloths to match to their party bosses clothing. The state youths including the student representative of socially mandated social forums are trumpeting their own candidates, whereas this handful of youths become strong critics of the party from where their candidate is begging for the party ticket. Especially with the issue of PRC and CAB. The youths of the state seems like BJP should not come to power in the state. But these confused social media warriors seem to be a hypocrite when they support a candidate of the Party whom they condemn tooth and nail in the social media and in peer groups. Actually like the Politicians of the State, these groups of young minds are also confused with their ideologies or have got no ideology. They speak, write or criticize when they see people around doing so. It is not by their own thoughts or conviction of ideas or ideology. Bottom line is Arunachal Pradesh and its people flows with the flow. It doesn’t resist actually.
                      Nevertheless, India is the largest democratic country and to add on it Arunachal is a land of Khusi-Khusi, Your honour has nothing to say on this. On a serious note, Arunachal today needs a “Leader”, not a “Politician”. As I say this, I know your eyebrows will be frown and this time every son of the soil is a political Pandit in the state. So you will have your own definition that will suit well to your politician as a true leader. I don’t care what you define or how you define.
One of the greatest leader and anti-apartheid Icon Nelson Mandela said the following quotes about leadership.
“Real Leaders must be able to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people”
No matter what your personal thoughts are of Nelson Mandela, I think the overall feeling we can all agree upon is that he left a grand legacy of Leadership. In saying so we really need great leaders in our area, a leader who can sacrifice and be an inspiration for all his people.
In the journey of this democratic process of electing our lead man, many have come and many have gone and at large we have witnessed a lot of political drama in the state. Therefore through my observations, I make three Categories of Pseudo Leaders. Though politicians of our state aren’t attached to a party because of their ideologies, there are worse people present in our system wooing for MLA.
 They are
     1. Who dropped/ will drop their candidature if ruling party ticket is not given: To be clear this group of  People aren’t leaders, they are the ‘Politicians’, they are an opportunist, hypocrite pseudo leaders who will leave their foot soldiers in the midst of the Election. In this 2019 assembly elections, it will be interesting to watch how many of the declaring candidates will drop if he/she will not get BJP ticket. All their trumpeting speeches will be forgotten by the public too.            2.  Who declares candidate for a bargaining point, this category of Politicians knows that he/she will never be elected but has got clan/villages with him. This is neither because of their sheer dire to serve the people nor are they serious of their candidature. This is just in case he can bargain or compromise with anyone more powerful than him in terms of financial superiority.
       3. Third categories are politicians who actually don’t aim to be MLA, they along with category 2 aims for Chairman of a Department. Their point of compromise comes to the post of  Chairman/Chairperson.     
                        Your's truely would give a statutory notice that many of present sitting Chairman/Chairpersons of various government enterprises/departments were once an MLA aspirant and not all, I repeat that not all of them, were MLA aspirant. The Supporters of various leaders have come up with their own justifications to prove that their candidate as true leaders, well that’s great of a worker.
               But the truth is: this is how we support candidates and paint them true leaders.
For us                                
1. A tender  must be given to any of my family members: he is a true leader
2. A job that too regular/ WC (remember in Govt.  Department) must be given to any of my family members: he is a true leader.
3. I must be given importance at all levels, (attend me whenever I call or whenever I come etc): he is a true leader
                Anyone who has got no ‘personal favor’ from an MLA is sure to go against him/her. Especially a group of people who calls themselves as ‘intellectual’ or ‘elite’. God knows what makes them that class.  Majority of our Politicians neither have ideology nor does the voters. We don’t go by ‘issue-based’ politics, we go by clannish, and regionalism based politics. We don’t elect leaders, we elect politicians. And to all those class of intellectuals and elite, please make sure you elect a leader, not a politician
           An opportunist, only a ruling party ticket seeker, and an irresponsible leader is a Politician, and a person who is responsible for his people, for his community and a very responsible Politician is a true leader.

Hopefully, Arunachal Pradesh will get true leaders this 2019, whose leadership will serve this motherland and make it prosperous in all front.