
Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The great India parliament Circus


Now a mere order for personal appearance in court has all the legal eagles of congress hyperventilating in public, making insinuations of political vendetta.

Nation had witnessed when a single judge of the Allahabad High court had indicted Indira. Then as the story goes, she went by the personal advisor of Siddhartha Shankar-more a friend than a lawyer- waking up the president late at night to sign on the dotted line of the emergency ordinance. Congress did have legal luminaries even then, but none came out howling on Allahabad high court judgement, nor did MPs create Pandemonium in parliament.

The disturbance in the already fragile fate of the winter session only points towards a guilt and fear of exposure. If the Gandhi’s and the star lawyers in congress fold are so supremely confident of their case, why should they be afraid of going through the due process of law.
The whole Saas- Bahu and the congress reveals an imperialist mindset of a dynastic that considers itself to be the natural ruler of this country, So anything from the land grab against the son-in-law to misappropriation of trusts funds is turned on its head by a single point counter-accusation of political vengeance.

Nation has seen Narender Modi faced trials-albeit with the best of legal defence anyone is entitled to- and come out acquitted. Nor did he bypass the judiciary to get even with his political adversaries.
Therefore it would be right to suggest that this entire drama is a ploy to detract the efforts for getting the GST Bill passed.

The fate of democracy in India needs a serious ponder whether it’s safe in the hands of a democratically chai-wallah who graduated to wear a monogrammed suits or a woman who has devolved form sable coats to cotton sarees, but whose natural upbringing makes her coded genetically to fiercely protect her family perhaps.

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